My level of contribution differs from product to product but in all cases I was responsible for the product position, roadmap, strategy, product management and development, business roadmap, business strategy, financing, partnerships, team building, talent hiring, onboarding, and training programs.

For Eveince products I wanted to be more focused on non-tech parts, but I did write models, specially in portfolio management for efficient frontier calculation of a crypto portfolio which isn't in our deployed models, but I used the analysis to get a sense of the arbitrary risk we're taking, despite our quant models.

In Eveince, we're not focused on forecasting or market price prediction but more toward risk modeling and robust financial returns. But then again for our business case, I need to model different market scenarios against different Eveince performances to map out our strategy. In this case, I needed a separate model than what was actually trading and feed it different scenarios e.g. crypto collapse based on tightened regulations.